Inheritance Hierarchy
DeltaEngine.Platforms TestWithMocksOrVisually
DeltaEngine.Input.Tests CommandTests
Namespace: DeltaEngine.Input.Tests
Assembly: DeltaEngine.Input.Tests (in DeltaEngine.Input.Tests.dll) Version: (1.1.1)
The CommandTests type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
![]() | CommandTests | Initializes a new instance of the CommandTests class |
Name | Description | |
![]() | IsMockResolver | (Inherited from TestWithMocksOrVisually.) |
[Test] public void CallingExitWillCloseTheProject() { new Command(Command.Exit, () => window.CloseAfterFrame()); }
[Test] public void ClickingWillChangeBackgroundColor() { new Command(Command.Click, () => window.BackgroundColor = Color.GetRandomColor()); }
[Test] public void MiddleClickingWillChangeBackgroundColor() { new Command(Command.MiddleClick, () => window.BackgroundColor = Color.GetRandomColor()); }
[Test] public void RightClickingWillChangeBackgroundColor() { new Command(Command.RightClick, () => window.BackgroundColor = Color.GetRandomColor()); }
[Test] public void ZoomWillChangeBackgroundColor() { new Command(Command.Zoom, () => window.BackgroundColor = Color.GetRandomColor()); }
[Test] public void MovingARectangleWithTheArrows() { var rect = new FilledRect(new Rectangle(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.2f), Color.Green); new Command(Command.MoveDown, () => rect.DrawArea = rect.DrawArea.Move(0, 0.01f)); new Command(Command.MoveUp, () => rect.DrawArea = rect.DrawArea.Move(0, -0.01f)); new Command(Command.MoveLeft, () => rect.DrawArea = rect.DrawArea.Move(-0.01f, 0)); new Command(Command.MoveRight, () => rect.DrawArea = rect.DrawArea.Move(0.01f, 0)); }
[Test] public void MovingDirectlyWillChange() { new Command(Command.MoveDirectly, () => window.BackgroundColor = Color.GetRandomColor()); }
[Test] public void RotateRectangleWithMouse() { var rect = new FilledRect(new Rectangle(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.2f), Color.Green); new Command(Command.RotateDirectly, delegate(Vector2D point) { rect.Rotation += 1; });
[Test] public void BackWillRemoveRectangle() { var rect = new FilledRect(new Rectangle(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.2f), Color.Green); new Command(Command.Back, () => { rect.IsActive = false; });
[Test] public void TouchToMoveTheRectangleARound() { var rect = new FilledRect(new Rectangle(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.2f), Color.Green); new Command(Command.Drag, point => { rect.Center = point; });
[Test] public void FlickToChangeTheColor() { new Command(Command.Flick, (Vector2D point) => window.BackgroundColor = Color.GetRandomColor()); }
[Test] public void PitchToChangeTheScale() { var rect = new FilledRect(new Rectangle(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.2f), Color.Green); new Command(Command.Pinch, point => rect.DrawArea = rect.DrawArea.Reduce((Size)point)); }
[Test] public void NotMovingWillChangeTheColor() { new Command(Command.Hold, () => { window.BackgroundColor = Color.GetRandomColor(); });
[Test] public void DoubleCLickingWillChangeTheColor() { new Command(Command.DoubleClick, () => { window.BackgroundColor = Color.GetRandomColor(); });
[Test] public void UsingRotationOnATouchPadWillRotateTheRectangle() { var rect = new FilledRect(new Rectangle(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.2f), Color.Green); new Command(Command.RotateAround, point => rect.Rotation += point.X); }
[Test] public void TestPausable() { var command = new Command(() => { });
See Also